Wednesday, 24 November 2010

And the winner is

Ok so a little late and mainly due to huge amount of entries I had to go through…and a missing laptop charger I am pleased as punch to announce the winner of the Khandie Khisses Inspired Art Competition for Autumn/Winter 2010 is…..EMMA MASON!


Emma submitted approxiamtely 4 pieces to be selected but this one was my favourite. Congrats Emma. Please message me your details so I can send on your trophy,badges and print etc.

If you think you want to get involved the next competition will be open for entries in the New Year. Gives you plenty of time to plan what you want to enter.



PS Emma I love it! can I get a copy?

For more Khandie blogging please see.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

If you could know the future, would you want to know it?

I'd rather not. If I did I may change the way I am and end up worse in the long run. Though admittedly knowing the lottery numbers would be nice....

Ask away...I have little shame and no pride to dent!