Tuesday, 19 January 2010

My First Front Cover and A Circus!

Wow....what a day!Firstly I was rather disappointed to learn I had not been chosen to perform at the London Burlesqe Festival this year. It appears a few other people were shocked that I didnt get chosen either. never mind. Maybe next year?!So once i had got over the slight disappointment I was overjoyed to see that.a particular email with a rather special attachement...I gingerly opened the email:
Ok so I was a tad excited. Some of you may recall from an earlier blog entry I was approached by Alan Moore's people ( alan is the creator of Watchmen and V For Vendetta) to appear in his new magazine Dodgem Logic. So along with friends Luli Blue and Darkteaser I headed to Northampton to be photographed by none other than the AMAZING Mitch Jenkins. He has photographed for the likes of House, Prison Break and Greys Anatomy etc. Well tonight I received the press release with But tonight I have finally received the final cover shot!!

image is copyright of Dodgem Logic and Mitch Jenkins.
But then not only that but my beloved Peski DeVille sent me through the poster for her new show!! I mean wow this girl makes some great images. She has done all the illustrations on my own website: http://www.khandiekhisses.com/ I urge you all to purchase a ticket to what is sure to be a fabulously debauched and awesome time! Feb 13th at the Haygate Pub in Telford. tickets available from www.MissyChangos.co.uk

Image copright of Em Eato and Monkeybrand
Mister Joe Black, Mysti Vine and Honey Wilde and others all in one show...eeek sounds like debauchery will reach a whole new level....I cant wait!!! Viva La Sideshow! Get your glad rags on and I will meet ya at the Haygate!

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