Monday, 8 March 2010

Up Bolton Way

So this week culminated in a mad dash up north to perform at Willow Blue's fantastic night at the town hall of Peter Kay land (Bolton). Surrounded by huge marble busts of long dead dignitaries myself long with Joe Black, Bella Besame, Duke Wayward, Pinny Lace etc tasseled, teased and caused havoc. It was a good night and a great venue. Our rather impromptu singalong at midnight in the town square was just as memorable. We even formed a burlesque car convoy as we all trooped off to chateaux Blue house.

I have to say the mad antics of Joe Black and I kept me amused most of the night. The man is a legend in the making and I adore him.

Joe pratting around with my top hat....

If he wasnt abusing my props he was treating us to an impromtu fan dance....

He is a funnny boy. I have to admit though it was his 'how not to fance dance' that I preferred.

Anyway we all had a great time......

But sadly I had to do the manic drive back to London...some 4 hours. My ass was so numb by the end of it I thought I would never get feeling back. I had another performance in London which though was a more subdued affair was rather nice none the less especially after the drive and the manic antics of the previous night.

Sunday was spent arranging and sorting my future plans plus designing  a new costume AND arranging a new rehearsal room. I even managed to squeeze in a wee trip to Oxford to try out my latest photogrpahy skills (I am attempting rather poorly to do HDR photos)...anyway I am sure I will be vain enough in due course to post any images I deem acceptable on this little blog here.

You may notice some changes happening at Khandie Khisses HQ soon such as tweaked website...a few new photos and not to mention the acting session I have coming up...oooh I say!

Now whilst this week was meant to be a week of tranquility I seem to have booked myself a few more gigs...some in London so thankfully the travelling wont be too much. I am also off to a Christening (hope I dont burn on entering the church) on Sunday which will be nice.

Anyway enough poor constructed rambling.



PS follow me on twitter! i tweet loads of useless rubbish!

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