Tuesday, 22 December 2009

A Special Thank You!

Sorry...I know I said I probably wouldnt be able to post for a wee while but I couldnt help but post a few iamges I received last night. One of them really struck a chord with me. This year has had its ups and downs for my both personally and professionally but this single image really made me see how much happiness burlesque brings me. A special thank you and a Khandie Khiss goes to the photographer James Thrope for capturing the image. Thank you. I really mean it...plus a wee thanks to Alan Moore for hiring me to perform at his Dodgem Logic magazine launch where the image was captured.

The image that made me realise. Copyright James Thorpe

I have a few other images from the launch that are also from James that made me smile for all sorts of reasons...mainly because I am a muppet in them! But I HAD to share them!

Darkteaser, John and I being...well special.

Anna and I abusing a banana....yes...FREAKS

Bendy KK...thanks to oodles of physio and pilates!

Glamour girl! LOL

Anyway adieu and I will see you after I get back from Australia in January.



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